Saturday, March 12, 2011

Best Vitamin Supplements Guide � Health and Nutritional Supplements

Health is the greatest treasure a man can have. There are several factors that influence our health. Among them we find the pollution, stress, inadequate nutrition. All these factors are hurtful to our body. Did you know that in a whole year we consume over four kilos and a half to five kilos of poisonous.

Little Things Do Matter When It Comes To How Free We Really Are

  The little things do matter when it comes to the actual freedom we have. Many will argue and say well I am free to do what I want, but is that really true? If you can answer YES then continue reading on then...


Antioxidants, Free Radicals, and Sports Nutrition

As you know, I am a physician. It’s part of my profession to keep abreast of what’s happening in medical /health research. Being retired helps, because doctors simply do not generally have the “extra time” to devote to the scientific literature. But I do. And I love it. I am one of those individuals who keep on striving.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cellular Nutrition is the Best Basic Nutrition

Cellular Nutrition is the Best Basic Nutrition Quite evidently, the very best basic nutrition is absorbed through cellular nutrition. What a joy to hear the excitement in the voice and see the astonishment in the eyes of a person who has started a cell activated nutrition program! The reaction is typical enough that it’s no brainer.